Glossary of Terms & Conversion Tables

Commonly Used Conversion Factors

To Convert From To Multiply by
Atmospheres cm of mercury (0°C) 76
Atmospheres feet of water (39.2°F) 33.899
Atmospheres grams/sq cm 1033.3
Atmospheres inches of mercury (32°F) 29.921
Atmospheres kg/sq meter 10333
Atmospheres mm of mercury 760
Atmospheres pounds/sq ft 2116.32
Atmospheres pounds/sq inch 14.696
Barrels, oil gallon (US) 42
Barrels (API) meter³ 0.159
BTU (60°F/15.56°C) joule 1055
BTU/minute horsepower 0.0236
BTU/pound calories/gram 0.5555
Calories (mean) joule 4.19
Calories/gram BTU/pound 1.8
Centimeters feet 0.0328
Centimeters inches 0.3937
Centimeters yards 0.0109
Centimeters/second feet/minute 1.9685
Centimeters/second meter/minute 0.6
Centimeters/second miles/hour 0.0223
Centipoises newton-second/meter² 1.000 x 10⁻³
Centistokes meter²/second 1.000 x 10⁻⁶
Cheval-vapeurs (C.V.) horsepower 0.9863
Cubic centimeters cubic inches 0.061
Cubic centimeters gallons (British) 0.00022
Cubic centimeters gallons (US) 0.00026
Cubic centimeters ounces (British, fluid) 0.0351
Cubic centimeters ounces (US, fluid) 0.0338
Cubic centimeters quarts (British,liquid) 0.00088
Cubic centimeters quarts (US, liquid) 0.00105
Cubic feet cubic centimeters 28317
Cubic feet cubic inches 1728
Cubic feet cubic yards 0.037
Cubic feet gallons (British) 6.2288
Cubic feet gallons (US) 7.4805
Cubic feet litres 28.3162
Cu ft of water (60°F) pounds 62.37
Cubic inches cubic cm 16.3872
Cubic inches gallons (British) 0.0036
Cubic inches gallons (US) 0.0043
Cubic inches litres 0.0164
Cubic meters cubic feet 35.314
Cubic meters cubic yards 1.3079
Cubic meters gallons (British) 219.969
Cubic meters gallons (US) 264.173
Degrees (F) degree Kelvin tk = (tf + 459.67)/1.8
Degrees (C) degree Kelvin tk = (tc + 273.15)
Dynes newton 1.000 x 10⁻⁵
Fathoms feet 6
Feet meters 0.3048
Feet of water (39.2°F) atmospheres 0.0295
Feet of water (39.2°F) inches of mercury (32° F) 0.8826
Feet of water (39.2°F) kg/sq meter 304.79
Feet of water (39.2°F) pounds/sq ft 62.427
Feet of water (39.2°F) pounds/sq inch 0.4335
Feet/minute kilometers/hour 0.0183
Feet/minute meters/second 0.005
Feet/minute miles/hour 0.0114
Foot pounds/minute horsepower 0.0000303
Gallons (British) cubic cm 4546.08
Gallons (British) cubic ft 0.1605
Gallons (British) cubic inches 277.418
Gallons (British) gallons (US) 1.2009
Gallons (British) litres 4.5459
Gallons (British) meter³ 4.546 x 10⁻³
Gallons (British) pounds of water (62°F) 10
Gallons (Imperial) see Gallons (British)
Gallons (US) cubic cm 3785.434
Gallons (US) cubic ft 0.1337
Gallons (US) cubic inches 231
Gallons (US) gallons (British) 0.8327
Gallons (US) litres 3.7854
Gallons (US) meter³ 3.785 x 10⁻³
Gallons (US) pounds of water (60°F) 8.337
Gallons (US)/minute cubic feet/hour 8.0208
Grams ounces (avoirdupois) 0.03527
Grams pounds (avoirdupois) 0.0022
Grams/litre parts per million (ppm) 1000
Grams/sq cm atmospheres 0.000967
Grams/sq cm feet of water (60°F) 0.0328
Grams/sq cm inches of mercury (32°F) 0.02896
Grams/sq cm mm of mercury (0°C) 0.7355
Grams/sq cm pounds/sq ft 2.0482
Grams/sq cm pounds/sq inch 0.0142
Horsepower Cheval-vapeur (C.V.) 1.014
Horsepower foot-pounds/second 550
Horsepower Pferdestaerke (P.S.) 1.014
Horsepower watts 745.7
Hundredweight (cwt) pounds 100
Inches centimeters 2.54
Inches of mercury (32°F) atmospheres 0.0334
Inches of mercury (32°F) feet of water (39.2°F) 1.133
Inches of mercury (32°F) kg/sq meter 345.3
Inches of mercury (32°F) pounds/sq ft 70.727
Inches of mercury (32°F) pounds/sq inch 0.4911
Inches of water (39.2°F) atmospheres 0.00245
Inches of water (39.2°F) gms/sq cm 2.5399
Inches of water (39.2°F) inches of mercury (32°F) 0.07355
Inches of water (39.2°F) pounds/sq in 0.0361
Kilograms ounces (avoirdupois) 35.274
Kilograms pounds (avoirdupois) 2.2046
Kg/liters pounds/US gallon 8.345406
Kg-meters (torque) pound-feet 7.233
Kg/cu meter pounds/cu ft 0.0624
Kilometers feet 3280
Kilometers miles 0.6213
Kilometers miles (nautical) 0.5396
Kilometers rods 198.836
Kilometers yards 1093
Kilowatt-hours BTU 3413
Kilowatts BTU/minute 56.884
Litres cubic feet 0.0353
Litres cubic inches 61.025
Litres gallons (British) 0.2199
Litres gallons (US) 0.2641
Litres ounces (British, fluid) 35.196
Litres ounces (US, fluid) 33.814
Litres quarts (US, fluid) 1.0566
Meters feet 3.2808
Meters inches 39.37
Meters yards 1.0936
Miles feet 5280
Miles kilometers 1.6093
Miles rods 320
Miles yards 1760
Miles (nautical) feet 6080
Miles/hour cm/sec 44.7
Miles/hour km/min 0.0268
Millilitres cu inches 0.061
Millilitres ounces (British, fluid) 0.035
Millilitres ounces (US, fluid) 0.0338
Millimeters inches 0.039
Millimeters mils 39.37
Millimeters mercury (0°C) atmospheres 0.0013
Millimeters mercury (0°C) feet of water (39.2°F) 0.0446
Millimeters mercury (0°C) gm/sq cm 1.3595
Millimeters mercury (0°C) kg/sq meters 13.595
Millimeters mercury (0°C) pounds/sq ft 2.7845
Millimeters mercury (0°C) pounds/sq in 0.0193
Ounces (avoirdupois) grams 28.3495
Ounces (British, fluid) cu cm 28.413
Ounces (British, fluid) gallons (British) 0.0062
Ounces (US, fluid) cu cm 29.5737
Ounces (US, fluid) cu inches 1.8047
Parts per million (ppm) grains/gal (British) 0.0701
Parts per million (ppm) grains/gal (US) 0.0584
Pferdestaerke (P.S.) horsepower 0.986
Pounds (avoirdupois) grams 453.5924
Pounds/foot grams/cm 14.8816
Pounds/sq ft atmospheres 0.000472
Pounds/sq ft kg/sq meter 4.8824
Pounds/sq in atmospheres 0.068
Pounds/sq in cm of mercury (0°C) 5.1715
Pounds/sq in feet of water (39.2°F) 2.3066
Pounds/sq in grams/sq cm 70.307
Pounds/sq in inches of mercury (32°F) 2.036
Pounds/sq in newton/meter² 6895
Pounds/US gallon kg/litres 0.119826
Quarts (British, liquid) cu cm 1136.521
Quarts (US, liquid) cu cm 946.3586
Quarts (US, liquid) cu inch 57.75
Quarts (US, liquid) ounces (US, fluid) 32
Stones (British) pounds (avoirdupois) 14
Tons (long) kilograms 1016.047
Tons (long) pounds (avoirdupois) 2240
Tons (long) tons (metric) 1.016
Tons (long) tons (short) 1.12
Tons (metric) kilograms 1000
Tons (metric) pounds (avoirdupois) 2204.62
Tons (metric) tons (long) 0.9842
Tons (metric) tons (short) 1.1023
Tons (short) kilograms 907.1848
Tons (short) pounds (avoirdupois) 2000
Tons (short) tons (long) 0.8928
Tons (short) tons (metric) 0.907
Yards centimeters 91.44
Yards miles 0.00057